The whole Carbolic Team proudly joins a host of other hand-picked, “favorite local authors” at Joseph-Beth’s Home for the Holidays Event.
We’ll proudly join PBS icon Rick Sebak (who wrote the Introduction to Zombies), Anne Faigen, Gina Mazza-Hillier, Jim Wexell, and the authors of Where We Like to Eat n’At and Pittsburgh Born, Pittsburgh Bred for a “sit-and-sign” (and chat) at Pittsburgh’s biggest independent bookstore. We hope to see you there.
Joseph-Beth Booksellers, 2705 E. Carson St at South Side Works
Looking forward to meeting you at our collaborative Jo-Beth book signing this week!
All best, Gina Mazza, www.EverythingmattersNothingmatters.com.
any chance you guys might be at the barnes and noble at the warterworks mall?
That store just today ordered some books to stock, which they should have by the end of the week. We'll see if they'd allow us to do a reading.
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