Another chilling article about the modern college campus, where administrators and professors practice a "double standard by combining effusive praise for free speech with an eagerness to suppress unwelcome views."
Where political correctness runs amok, where young minds are not challenged but indoctrinated, the "learning" experience is useless.
Is it any wonder that young men especially are deciding not to go to college?
In Case You Missed It
3 days ago
and a merry merry to you and yours!
maybe young men aren't going to college because it costs too much and college degrees are no promise of a good job anymore.
in college i flirted with a double major-- the second being "Urban Studies". after two classes, i couldnt stomach the whining against the evils of American society. facts were always distorted. opinions were based on emotion, and not facts! emotions were governed by cynicism and prejudgements. the culture i saw in the liberal arts was disturbing. i did not do the second major, as it would have been a waste of time.
Too many angry, self-righteous professors, who have chips on their shoulders the size of boulders, make it their life's mission to insure that young, impressionable students walk out of their classrooms knowing that they are undeservedly privileged because they are Americans. This goes double for males, and triple for whites. It is education by shame, and it is disgusting. Someday, when there is no stigma to not attending college, I predict that very few white males will even bother with the largely useless exercise.
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